Wednesday, December 7, 2011


As I run from place to place trying oh so hard to get things done, to be perfect, to A+'s on my report card, I wonder . . . what must my maker think of me? Does he giggle at how cute I am running along trying to save the day? Does he sigh and say, "when will she learn to trust me?"

Today it became quite clear to me that I can't do anything at all, zip, zilch, zero, without Him. Me without my maker is like a hamster running endlessly in a wheel going nowhere, or a chicken running around with it's head cut off. Completely pointless. So why do I try? Day in and day out I honestly wake up believing that I can do things all by myself. Ha!

Sure I can have the appearance of getting things done alone, but there is always that behind the scenes stuff that tends to be over and under looked. So, am I capable of letting go of pride and letting Him carry my burdens? No, not without his help. "Dear God, please take the pride from my heart so I can trust more, Love me"