Thursday, August 2, 2012

London 2012

Watch it. Love it. Cheer em'. Praise em'. Peddle harder. Swim fiercer. Perform better. Jump higher.
The Olympic games have always pulled on a few heart strings for me. Gymnastics, swimming, track, cycling, boxing, beach volleyball you name it, I love it. Their sweat and sacrifice motivates me to be better, to do better and to get out on my bike and peddle! Peddle hard and peddle long.

While the games do inspire me to think big and perform well, they have never had quite the dreamy effect as they have had this year. This morning as I was browsing through the schedule for the Olympic events of the day, I casually mentioned to Justin that I would be trying out for the Olympics in four years. The event? Road cycling. Ladies and Gents, in four years I will be 30 years old, still have the heart of an olympic athlete and have quads and hams of steal. I next asked my dear husband if he would be my trainer, in all seriousness of course. He said yes.

While there are those of you who may not believe my dedication to the Olympics, be not dismayed, my bike will take me there. And while I may not win gold, or even bronze for that matter, my little olympic heart will flutter and my feet will peddle me across the finish line and I, Hattie Lake, will be, an olympian. Summer 2016 here I come!